
Blue Hexagon Next-Gen Detection and Response (NDR) Review 2020 – Miercom Certified Secure

November 2, 2020

Miercom tested the Blue Hexagon Next-Gen Detection and Response (NDR) for its real-time deep learning approach to analyzing encrypted ...

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Cisco Data Center Network Management Review 2020 – Miercom Performance Verified

June 23, 2020

The modern-day data center has evolved from managing a few switches to the complex task of overseeing data center ...

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Check Point SandBlast Mobile Certified Secure

September 10, 2019

Check Point SandBlast Mobile is not your average Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) solution. For enterprises looking for well-rounded and ...

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Miercom Mobile Threat Defense Industry Assessment 2019

September 9, 2019

In our annual study of Mobile Threat Defense (MTD), we tested solutions of the leading vendors. Mobile devices are ...

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Pradeo Mobile Threat Defense: MTD Industry Assessment Product Profile

September 4, 2019

Pradeo Mobile Threat Defense was a recommended buy in our competitive MTD evaluation. See why in this snapshot: Download ...

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