
Fortinet Fortigate Performance

Competitive firewall testing is a process of evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of firewall products from different vendors. We tested the latest NGFW products from Fortinet and Palo Alto Networks.  These include the Fortinet FortiGate 200F and the Palo Alto Networks PA-460. These tests help to determine the vendors’ ability to protect against various cyber threats, such as malware, viruses, and hacking attempts.

The results of these tests are then used to compare the performance of different firewall products and to determine which vendor’s product is the most effective in detecting threats. We found Fortinet FortiGate 200F outperformed Palo Alto Networks PA-460 on all competitive performance metrics.  Firewall testing helps organizations choose the best solution for their needs by providing unbiased, objective data on the performance of competing products. It also helps vendors improve the effectiveness of their firewall solutions by providing them with feedback in areas needing improvement.

  • Superior Performance:  Fortinet FortiGate 200F outperformed Palo Alto Networks PA-460 by an average of 1.7 better on all on NGFW competitive performance tests conducted.
  • Best SSL/TLS Performance:  Fortinet FortiGate 200F outperformed Palo Alto Networks PA-460 by an average of 1.8 better on all SSL/TLS Tests
  • Lower TCP Response Time: Fortinet FortiGate 200F proved to have a shorter TCP response time than the Palo Alto Networks PA-460, which is desirable because it indicates efficient data transmission and stable device connections.
  • Superior Price and TCO:  Fortinet FortiGate 200F is 68% the cost of the Palo Alto Solution for 1-year TCO and 62% the cost for 5-year TCO.

Read the report below to find out how Fortinet proved superior when tested in real-world network scenarios with full Threat Prevention security features and malware sandboxing enabled.

About Miercom:Miercom is a global leader in independent product testing, publishing hundreds of comprehensive testing and product comparison analyses over the years. Miercom certifications are used by networking industries and global businesses as an accurate, unbiased source of product assessment. Miercom features comprehensive certification and test programs including Performance Verified, Certified Secure, Certified Green as well as other validation or conformance testing services. To access the latest Miercom test reviews and technology industry assessments, please visit