
Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller Competitive Testing Review

cisco catalyst 9800 wireless controller

Miercom analyzed Cisco’s Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller in an independent study to test Availability, Security, Deployment and Programmability/Telemetry capabilities. Similarly, we carried out the same tests on top wireless controller vendors. And despite its competition, our analysis showed Cisco had superior performance – offering more capability, security, ease of use and unique options that others couldn’t. Also important, the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller’s impressive performance earns the Miercom Performance Verified certification for its high scores against all test cases. Below are the main takeaways from our testing. For more detail, download our full report.

Key Findings:

    • Sustained high-availability when other vendors couldn’t
    • Effectively detected threats in encrypted traffic
    • Deployable in all environments tested
    • Only vendor to support broad programmability and telemetry options

Read more details about how each test was conducted, and how the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller’s impressed us with its performance in this competitive test report.

Find out more about this controller at Cisco’s website: